AiMCO launches webinar on intricacies of influencer agreements

AiMCO - Tegan Boorman

AiMCO council chair Tegan Boorman will lead the webinar.

The Australian Influencer Marketing Council (AiMCO) will host a webinar on influencer agreements between brands and influencers or their agencies.
The Influencer Agreements 101 webinar, to be held on 14 May, explores the intricacies of legal and contractual agreements between brands, agencies, and influencers.

The 45-minute webinar, led by AiMCO guiding council chair Tegan Boorman from Social Law Co., is the latest in a series of online education sessions designed to provide key insights into influencer marketing best practices.

It will cover topics including how to structure contracts to meet specific campaign objectives and deliverables, and the need to understand the current branded content policies on TikTok and Meta.

The AiMCO webinar will also look at key takeaways from Ad Standards complaints when negotiating influencer agreements, as well as tips for mitigating risk.

Boorman will also provide real-life examples, highlighting the importance of compliance, and insights on best practice ad disclosure.

“Influencer marketing has emerged as a powerful tool for brands to connect with their target audiences authentically. To harness its full potential, understanding the legal and contractual framework is paramount,” Boorman said.

“This webinar aims to ensure our members are equipped to successfully negotiate agreements that enable them to meet client expectations and mitigate risk, while continuing to build trust with their audiences.

AiMCO managing director, Patrick Whitnall, added: “This webinar is part of AiMCO’s ongoing commitment to provide value for our members. As the nation’s leading body for influencer marketing, we strive to ensure our members have an understanding of key legal issues commonly arising out of influencer marketing campaigns, and feel confident in negotiating deals with those issues in mind.

“As the influencer marketing space continues to evolve, and as regulators turn their attention to influencer marketing legal compliance, it’s more important than ever for our members to understand the issues that can arise, and how to mitigate risk.”

The Influencer Agreements 101 webinar will be held on 14 May at 11am. It will be free for AiMCO members, and $100 for non-members.

See more: Patrick Whitnall: The growth of AI influencers means transparency and authenticity will continue to be important

Top image: Tegan Boorman

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