ABC acts after complaint about ‘racist’ language on kid’s show Bluey


The ABC’s Audience and Consumer Affairs division responded

The ABC has reacted to a complaint from a viewer in June about an episode of children’s TV show Bluey that included a term with racial connotations and a problematic history for Indigenous Australians.

The ABC’s Audience and Consumer Affairs division responded:

The ABC sincerely apologised to the complainant for any distress caused by the term used in the episode titled ‘Teasing’. The ABC has a strong record for giving voice to Indigenous Australians and an ongoing commitment to helping reduce discrimination and prejudice and in this case, the language used was inadvertent. The complainant was advised that neither the ABC nor the external producers were aware of the potentially derogatory meaning of the term, which was intended only as irreverent rhyming slang often made up by children. The episode was removed from iview as soon as ABC KIDS became aware of the complaint and the ABC undertook to change the dialogue prior to future broadcast or publication.

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