72andSunny launches The Strategy Studio, Miné Cakmak and Aviva Mann return

72andSunny - The Strategy Studio

The Strategy Studio has opened in each of 72andSunny’s global locations – Sydney, New York, Los Angeles, and Amsterdam.

72andSunny has launched The Strategy Studio, a global client offering created to provide a consultancy service for clients looking to drive growth.

The Strategy Studio has opened in each of 72andSunny’s global locations – Sydney, New York, Los Angeles, and Amsterdam – and will use its international resources to uncover the latest global insights and trends.

The global unit will also have access to knowledge from the agency’s global roster of client partners, such as Google, adidas, NFL, Adobe, Meta, Amazon, Spotify, TikTok, and Activision.

Ross Berthinussen, 72andSunny ANZ CEO, said: “72andSunny builds modern brands through strategy, advertising and design. We created the Strategy Studio because clients need a deeper level of strategic advice on how to navigate a marketing landscape that’s evolving faster than ever before.

“To engage new audiences and drive growth, clients need to be agile and fast to market, but must also understand the often complex, cultural context they are operating within. That’s exactly what our new offering does,”

The Strategy Studio has been set up to help client partners with strategic challenges including identifying growth audiences, developing foundational brand strategies, and go-to-market playbooks.

To lead the global consultancy team, 72andSunny has hired two agency alumni to work on projects across the agency’s client partners.
Miné Cakmak
, head of consulting, re-joins the agency from her role as group strategy director at consultancy FNDR. Miné left a career on Wall Street for one in brand building, and has worked at agencies including TBWA/Chiat/Day and Johannes Leonardo.
Senior strategist, Aviva Mann, also re-joins 72andSunny alumni from design consultancy Landor & Fitch, where she helped brands such as Meta and Intel simplify complex portfolios and stretch into new categories.
Berthinussen said: “The Strategy Studio works with clients who need upstream thinking. But we also work with companies that need strategic firepower but not necessarily full-service support, either because they have needs that are bigger than marketing, or because they have in-house creative departments.”
72andSunny is Google’s main advertising and strategy partner in Australia, with recent wins including Stake, MLC, and BCF.

Top image: Ross Berthinussen, Miné Cakmak, and Aviva Mann

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