35% of women in media consider quitting as dissatisfaction rises

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The report shows that 57% of women in media are unsure about, or explicitly dissatisfied with, their career progress.

Career dissatisfaction has hit a three-year high for professional women in media, according to The Women in Media Industry Insight Report 2024.

The report shows that 57% of women in media are unsure or explicitly dissatisfied with their career progress, and more than one-third (35%) are contemplating leaving their jobs. Driving these numbers are concerns about pay and a lack of opportunities for promotion.

“Increased levels of anxiety and dissatisfaction are alarmingly evident in this year’s Women in Media Industry Insight Report 2024,” said Petra Buchanan, strategic advisor to Women in Media. 

“Career aspirations are being overshadowed by concerns about pay inequity and a lack of advancement opportunities.”

Petra Buchanan

Petra Buchanan

Some of the major findings centred around career progress concerns, with notable spikes of dissatisfaction among early and mid-career women. 49% of women with 5-10 years of experience said they are not progressing as desired, up 11% from 2023. 47% of early-career women are dissatisfied, up 23%. Over one-third of respondents attribute their dissatisfaction to a lack of opportunities.

35% of women are considering quitting their jobs, up 6%, particularly senior and mid-career professionals. 56% hold a negative view of the media industry’s commitment to gender equality, up 3%.

58% of respondents were concerned about pay, which was consistent with 2023’s results, a small climb of just 1%. The desire for better pay was the top motivation as both reasons to stay and leave current roles – suggesting that in a cost of living crisis, salaries are not always meeting women’s current expectations.

69% of respondents advocate for gender pay audits to address the media industry’s gender pay gap.

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS November 2023) figures indicate that, on average, Australian women make $268.95 less than men per week, a gap of 7%.

This rises to a pay gap of 9% on average weekly earnings ($409.40) for women working in the Information Media and Communications industry.

“These results underscore the critical and urgent need for industry-wide systemic change, starting with a firm commitment to gender equality and addressing the above-average gender pay gap,” said Buchanan.

“This change must include providing fair compensation, ample growth opportunities, and a safe, supportive work environment so that women remain in the media and transition into leadership positions.”

In terms of promotional opportunities, 58% worry about the availability of senior roles, up 15%, while 47% (+9%) are concerned about limited promotional opportunities and 25% (+10%) fear their roles being made redundant.

Women in Media suggests employers should make a commitment to gender equality, define and communicate career opportunities, and create an environment where women feel engaged.

See also: Women in Media appoints three leaders to expanded board of directors

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