A complete list of all the AFMA winners celebrated at the Awards event in Melbourne this week.
Judges comments are in italics.
BEST AFLW REPORTER/REPORTING – print, digital, radio, TV
Entrants judged on news breaking, impact and a high standard of reportage of AFLW stories.
Winner: Sarah Black, AFL Media
Sarah’s entries demonstrated a complete body of work, and was impossible to go past. She had all bases covered, from an emotional player story, to a seven-player trade, to behind the scenes on a goal that should never have happened, Sarah is a deserving winner of this award.
Commendable Mention: Marnie Vinall, The Age
BEST AFLW PROGRAM/FEATURE – print, digital, radio, TV
Entrants judged on insight into football, relevance, depth of discussion/feature writing and impact.
Winner: Lauren Wood, Herald Sun
Feature on Daisy Pearce ahead of last year’s GF was a very well-researched feature on Daisy gaining valuable insights from Daisy herself as well as colleagues and teammates to provide a very deep appreciation of her life and journey in football.
Commendable Mention: Sarah Black, AFL Media
Open to individuals and organisations, this award seeks to recognise outstanding media work supporting diversity and inclusion within the AFL system.
Winner: Anne Fedorowytsch, AFL Media
In an outstanding field of nominations, the panel recognise the incredible reach and impact of Sammy’s Moment on social media – the highest-reaching piece of content in the history of the AFL’s social media channels.
Commendable Mention: Lauren Wood & Michael Klein, Herald Sun – This Is How I’ve Always Meant To Be and Andrew Wu, The Age – The Asian Australians Forging Their Way In Football

AFL Media’s Sarah Black (left) and Anne Fedorowytsch
Must be a dedicated podcast, not a re-packaged broadcast product. Entrants judged on football insight, depth of discussion, entertainment, quality of analysis and relevance.
Winner: 3AW Football, Nothin’ Like The 90s
In what was noted as a strong category, the judging panel highly commended The Age Footy Podcast and AFL Daily and the Ben and Harry Podcast. But the winner of best footy podcast for 2023 is Nothing Like the 90s. The panel commented that they loved the fresh approach and reminisced on a fantastic decade of footy. Hosted by Anthony Hudson it was great to hear some iconic voices talking about the many and varied stories from the 90s including Terry Wallace, David Parkin, Leigh Matthews and Eddie McGuire.
Commendable Mention: The Age Footy Podcast
Entrants judged on the most impactful and articulate opinion and analysis.
Winner: Greg Baum, The Age
Greg Baum’s elite writing style shines in a crowded media landscape. His column on gambling sponsorship entitled “Shut up, and let the bookies take your money”, oozes creativity and is a major standout. If you haven’t read it yet, you should.
Commendable Mention: Caroline Wilson, The Age
Entrants judged on exclusivity in news reporting, accuracy and overall impact.
Winner: Sam Landsberger, Herald Sun
Sam has had an excellent year, writing with depth, accuracy and impact in multiple stories from across the AFL industry. His exclusive on new Essendon CEO Andrew Thorburn’s affiliations with a controversial church organisation which caused him to step down shortly after being appointed to the role was one of the stories of the year and an outstanding piece of news reporting.
Commendable Mention: Mick Warner, Herald Sun and Jake Niall, The Age
Entrants judged on overall impact and accuracy, exclusivity in storytelling, and insightful and excellent writing.
Winner: Greg Baum, The Age
Greg’s feature on the storied Daicos name was insightful, warm, and superbly written. It gave us greater insight into the bond Josh and Nick share with their father, Collingwood icon Peter Daicos. After reading, you’re left with little doubt as to just how – and why – the Daicos brothers are as talented as they are. It’s a feel-good yarn, even if you’re not of the black and white persuasion. And, with more than 40 entries in this category, Greg is a very worthy winner.
Commendable mentions: Michael Whiting, AFL Media and Jake Niall, The Age
Entrants judged on an ability to best capture the highlights, emotion, storylines, and the highs and lows of the game.
Winner: Quinn Rooney, Getty Images
Joe Daniher being “falconed” while trying to mark over Bradley Hill is a superb action photograph by the ultimate professional photographer Quinn Rooney. It’s a different entertaining photograph & one that causes a reaction.
Commendable Mention: Jonathan Di Maggio, Carlton Football Club
Entrants judged on an ability to capture moments which best illustrate the non-game stories.
Winner: Daniel Pockett, Getty Images
Daniel Pockett was the only photographer to capture Jamarra Ugle -Hagans stand against racism at the mcg . This powerful image Thirty tears after Nicky Winmars gesture at Victoria Park reinforces he is “ Proud to be black “ after being racially vilified by a opposition supporter during a game the previous week.
Commendable Mention: Michael Willson, AFL Photos
Entrants judged on overall impact, exclusivity in storytelling, reporting excellence, originality and accuracy.
Winner: Tom Morris, SEN
Tom Morris broke the important story of Damien Hardwick stepping down as Richmond coach and his report on SEN was definitive, detailed and accurate. In what was a competitive award, the Hardwick story gave Morris the nod over the others. Caroline Wilson’s body of work on Footy Classified was excellent too.
Commendable Mention: Caroline Wilson, Footy Classified
Entrants judged on the most impactful and articulate opinion and analysis. Open to radio and TV match broadcasters, as well as panelists on football programs.
Winner: David King, Fox Footy
In a hotly contested category, David King nosed the field with his forensic breakdown of games, players and tactics. King makes excellent use of the modern televisual tools, is very well researched and presents engagingly. At least twice, he correctly anticipated key developments in the season before anyone else. A groundbreaker.
Commendable Mention: Garry Lyon, Fox Footy
Entrants judged on football insight, discussion depth, entertainment, analytical quality, relevance.
Winner: Whateley, SEN
Whateley draws out strong opinions from regular guests to set the agenda on football’s hottest topics and rarely wastes an interview, driving to the heart of an issue to gain the sharpest perspective from the game’s key figures. His knowledge and attention to detail ensures the listener and decision-makers within the game are forced to think about issues from all angles.Only Gryan Miers and Lionel Messi comparisons stump him.
Commendable Mention: Sportsday, SEN
Entrants judged on clarity, accuracy, colour/flair, use of the language/ability to paint the picture.
Winner: Anthony Hudson, 3AW
A master in flair and creativity with language. “Charlie’s angles have done it for the Lions” just one stand out in a season of stand out moments. He manages to weave unique and entertaining observations into his commentary while maintaining control of the overall story of the match. Quite simply, he is at the peak of his calling prowess.
Commendable Mention: Gerard Whateley, SEN
Entrants judged on football insight, discussion depth, entertainment, analytical quality, relevance.
Winner: The Front Bar, The Seven Network
Channel 7’s The Front Bar continues to be a leader in the category of the Best TV Program. Hosted by Andy Maher, the program features famed comedians Mick Molloy and Sam Pang – plus occasional high profile fill-ins – who produce a show full of humour and rich storytelling. As well as presenting and discussing the current issues in what can only be described as a unique style, the trio also take their audience down memory lane with a great selection of former players who reflect on their illustrious careers which are often the centre of some embarrassing moments from their highlight reel. Full of originality, The Front Bar is a joy to watch.
Commendable Mention: Footy Classified, Nine
Entrants judged on colour/flair, accuracy, use of the language and an ability to marry the words with the pictures.
Winner: Anthony Hudson, Fox Footy
In a high-quality group of entrants where the top two shone the brightest, Hudson’s flair and descriptive use of language added to the rich tapestry of the match-day coverage. He delivered energy and insight in the big moments and never let his voice overpower what was happening on the field.
Commendable Mention: Dwayne Russell, Fox Footy
Entrants judged on originality, impact, creativity, public interaction.
Winner: Collingwood Football Club, The Julie McCreery Mother’s Day Pre-Game Address
An engaging and emotional piece that took us deep into the inner sanctum of the Magpies and helped lift the lid on Craig McRae and his inclusive, modern approach to leadership and coaching. This piece was thoughtfully shot and edited and is the type of content that makes members and supporters love their club all the more. And Julie was the clear star of the show.
Commendable Mention: North Melbourne Football Club, Inner North video series
Presented to the overall best media performer. To qualify, the winner must have not only been successful in a 2022 award category, but also have been put forward by the judges of that category for consideration for this award. A separate panel of judges determine the Alf Brown Award.
Winner: Tom Morris, SEN
It was clearly the biggest news event of the 2023 season, arguably the biggest football story in years. Three-time Richmond premiership coach Damien Hardwick suddenly decides at Round 11 he has lost his enthusiasm for coaching. That he wants out. Immediately.
The story came out of the blue and Tom Morris broke the news clearly and decisively on SEN the night before the club’s official announcement to players and staff and then the public. Morris told us Hardwick was going, why he was going and when the announcement would come. It was an old-fashioned scoop. There were several others with excellent bodies of work, but the judges decided the Hardwick decision was so impactful and far-reaching, it deserved the gong.
Commendable Mention: Gerard Whateley, SEN
Winner: Jason Dunstall, Fox Footy
Jason takes care of the game with superior knowledge and authority. His delivery is laced with a wonderful mix of light and shade. Jason is the ultimate professional and brings a bit of fun and entertainment to a broadcast. His expertise shines through in the language he uses and, despite being out of the game for a while, he still brings excellent and insightful analysis to the audience.
Commendable Mention: Luke Hodge, Seven Network/SEN
Presented to the best emerging talent in football media. No age criteria, and discretion on “emerging” talent to be determined by an editorial executive of the organisation at which an entrant has worked. The award is open to media people who have had work published or broadcast (including match-day coverage), as well as those who work behind scenes in production.
Winner: Ryan Warren, Triple M
The judges noted Ryan’s versatility as he nears the end of three years producing the Sunday Rub on Triple M alongside a his Monday to Friday responsibility anchoring and producing The Rush Hour.
Noting his ability to mix it with the station’s big name and colourful characters the judges commended Ryan’s emerging appeal as a host on the midweek rub along with football producing duties for Triple M’s Thursday AFL fixtures as well as Saturday production duties headlining his three year.
Commendable Mention: Jimmy Williams, SEN, Zoe Scutter, Triple M and Liam Bradley, AFL Media
Brian Taylor
The Seven Network. Triple M
Michael Klein
Herald Sun
See also: Seven Network’s Brian Taylor is honoured with a life membership at AFMA Awards
Main photo: Brian Taylor and Jason Dunstall