2017 Newspaper Readership Report (digital and print): Strong results for The Oz


The latest emma and Roy Morgan newspaper readership data

The latest emma and Roy Morgan newspaper readership data, including total digital audiences, in the 12 months to September 2017:

MORE: 2017 Magazine Readership Report (digital and print)

The performance of newspapers in the 12 months to September 2017 largely depends on which data set is used.

In the emma figures for the period, News Corp’s NT News has had a brilliant run in the period, posting a gain in readership of 12.5% to 54,000. However, Roy Morgan painted a very different picture of the masthead, showing a decline in readership of 19.05% to 34,000.

Both data sets do, however, reflect a strong year for News’s The Australian and Weekend Australian. The Oz posted a readership increase of 4.24% (emma) and 3.45% (Roy Morgan), while, The Weekend Australian saw its readership grow by 3.14% (emma) and 0.63% (Roy Morgan). This has added to the success of The Australian in digital, which clocked up a 100,000 digital subscribers earlier this year.

The Saturday edition of Fairfax Media’s The Australian Financial Review also experienced a growth in readership according to the Roy Morgan figures. In emma, the readership number of 126,000 remained stagnant.

Schwartz Media’s weekly newspaper The Saturday Paper experienced a growth in readership by 5.22% YOY, according to Roy Morgan.



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