Telstra quietly broke an internal record this month for the most mobile devices
streaming sport on its apps in a single weekend, with 1.2 million individual devices
streaming NRL, AFL and Netball through the sports apps, reports Fairfax Media’s
Jennifer Duke.
At one point on the weekend of August 10-11, 82,120 viewers concurrently streamed
the Hawthorn versus Geelong AFL match. Across all the sports apps, the highest
number of concurrent viewers to date is 109,000.
• Record number of concurrent plays for a single match: Hawthorn versus Geelong, Round 21, 82,000
• Record minutes streamed across a round: Round 19, 22.4 million minutes
• Record number concurrent plays over a round: Round 21, 97,000
• Record number of plays over a round: Round 21, 2.7 million
• Record number of unique devices over a round: Round 21, 500,000
• Record number of devices over a round: Round 21, 900,000
• Round with highest Wi-Fi minutes consumed: Round 20 11.7 million minutes
• Round with highest mobile network minutes consumed: Round 2, 9.3 million minutes