Over half of Aussies ‘not completely confident’ in purchasing health products: The Growth Distillery

The Growth Distillery

The research identified four critical moments in the health journey that shape what consumers end up buying.

The Growth Distillery has unveiled Moments that Matter: Health, new research showing that while Australians are increasingly becoming more proactive with their health, most don’t have the knowledge or confidence to achieve their health goals.

For brands to have an impact, the research found they need to be part of the conversation at four critical steps of the purchase journey.

The research found that only 17% of Australians strongly agree they are in good health; 78% have made a proactive health purchase in the last 12 months; only 27% strongly agree they are knowledgeable about health, and 57% are not completely confident in purchasing health products

Four moments were identified as critical for brands in shaping what consumers end up buying:

1. The realisation of a need: The Growth Distillery describes this as a crucial moment for brands to be in the conversation with consumers turning to friends or family, health professionals, and advertising to start forming a perspective on their needs.

2. The search begins: 90% of health consumers conduct research before purchase, with the most popular search terms ‘where to purchase’, ‘best price’, ‘brands available’ and ‘benefits’.

3. Picking a winner: To make a decision, consumers have a list of key criteria they evaluate brands against including price, reviews, and benefits. It’s here that brands should demonstrate value for money.

4. Winning hearts, minds, and voices: The Growth Distillery says the voice of customers is critical, both for repeat purchases and to ensure they advocate for brands to their friends, family, and colleagues. Brands should ensure positive word of mouth to continue the purchase cycle and to recommend new consumers to the category.

The Growth Distillery research director Stephanie Forsyth said: “Australians need help now more than ever to achieve their health goals. Brands have a responsibility to help consumers, and can do so by understanding every moment of the customer journey.”

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