Day 3 AUNZ Cannes Lions winners: Colenso, DDB, M&C Saatchi, Special Sydney

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Plus: Melbourne’s CHEP Network and Dentsu Creative Auckland.

The third day of the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity saw agencies from Australia and New Zealand pick up metal across Creative B2B, Creative Data, Direct, Media, PR, and Social & Influencer Lions categories.

Taking home awards on the day were Colenso BBDO, DDB New Zealand, Dentsu Creative Auckland, M&C Saatchi, and Special Sydney.

Auckland’s Colenso BBDO won one of 10 gold and one of 31 bronze awards in the Direct category for its work on the Adoptable By Pedigree campaign.

The agency also received a bronze for its work on the cat food brand Whiskas with Meowzer.  

In the same category, DDB New Zealand‘s Volkswagen campaign, The Greenprint, won a silver, while Dentsu Creative Auckland got a bronze for its work with FreshChoice on Aid Aisle.

Australia’s M&C Saatchi saw one of 16 silver awards in the PR category for the Minderoo Foundation on The Plastic Forecast.

Australia was represented in the Direct category by Melbourne’s CHEP Network with Climate Doctor’s Certificate work for School Strike 4 Climate, which was awarded a bronze Lion.

There were 1888 entries in the Media category and DDB New Zealand was awarded one of 30 bronze Lions for its Ad-Ons work for McDonald’s.


In the Social & Influencer Lions category, Special Sydney – and its Los Angeles counterpart – was recognised for its work on the Be Honest campaign for Uber Eats with a bronze Lion. 

Simon Cook, CEO, LIONS, said “It’s inspiring to see the breadth of winners emerging and particularly first-time winners. We saw Iceland win their first Lion last night and tonight, Kazakhstan are taking home their first-ever Lion, having won Gold in the Social & Influencer Lions.
“Congratulations to all of our Lion winners, as well as those shortlisted, who are driving progress for people, businesses and society across the world,” he added.
See also:
Day 2 Aussie Cannes Lions winners: The Monkeys, The Hallway, Ogilvy
See also:
First AUNZ winners at Cannes Lions: Colenso, Dentsu, Ogilvy, VML, H+Co, DD

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